Nursery - Grade School - Teens
Nurseries (ages 0-1 year)
For each of our worship services, your children will enjoy a nursery that is clean, secure, and staffed with friendly and well-qualified volunteers. Our goal is to put your mind at ease when you enroll your child. A convenient paging system allows us to contact you should your child need you. Feel free to inform the nursery workers of any specific directions or important instructions regarding your child’s care. We strive to take care of every child as if that child is our own.
Toddlers (ages 2-3 years)
Two and three year olds like to play! We make sure they can. We want them to learn about God, and we want them to enjoy the process. We strategically balance play time and learning time so that our preschoolers are learning and having fun doing it. We are on your team and want to help your family succeed. The focus of our program is to teach them the “big” picture of God and the importance of obeying mom and dad.
Beginners (Preschool-Kindergarten)
Games, excitement, learning, crafts and songs are just a few words that describe the Beginners Sunday school class at PRBC. During this critical age range, children's ability to memorize Bible verses, and to comprehend more significant truths from the Bible really accelerates.
Primary (grades 1-3)
Statistics show us that children between the ages of six to eight are developing the foundation for their belief systems and ethics more intentionally than any other time in their life. In a world that is trying to steal the innocence of our young ones, we are trying to turn their focus on things that will create a pattern for a godly life. We boast a very talented group of Sunday school teachers and helpers that will teach kids the principles that matter in life. The focus with our primaries is ethics and morals (teaching them about telling the truth, being fair, obeying mom and dad, respecting authority, etc.).
Juniors (grades 4-6)
Questions, challenges, logical thinking, and comprehension are what Juniors are all about. They have a lot of questions about home, life, friends, and God. Our job as a church is to help you answer those questions. Juniors today are dealing with pressures, concerns, and temptations that many moms and dads never had to. We want to help you protect them. Juniors are beginning to understand the importance of making right choices and the ramifications of making wrong ones. Our focus in this age group is to teach them the importance of having personal time with God, intentionally growing in their faith, standing for right, and daring to live for God.
Teen Ministries (7th-12th grade)
The highschool years are always busy with learning to drive, ball practice, school plays, college prep, and seeking God’s will. Our goal is to design the Teen ministry of Peachtree Road to help students reach their full potential in their walk with the Lord. This is done through accountability, discipleship, service projects, and small group Bible studies. Our small group Sunday school allows for students to be in a smaller class setting and gain personal insight from the teacher. Join us on Wednesday nights (7:00pm) to learn and be challenged in your walk with the Lord. The teen services consist of games, singing, skits, preaching, and discipleship. We meet in the Teen Room in the lower sanctuary.

Adult Sunday School classes - every Sunday at 10:00am
Our goal is to help everyone learn and grow in Christ. Regardless of your age there is a small class for you to be a part of!
COLLEGE AND CAREER - Young Adults 18-26
Leaders: Anthony Wood
Location: Upstairs
FOUNDATIONS - Adults 25-34
Leaders: Matthew Kaufman
Location: Missions Building
TRUTH 2 FREEDOM - Adults 35-59
Leader: Pastor Reed
Location: Music Room
YOUNG AT HEART - Adults 60+
Leaders: Pastor Wayne Musatics/Jimmy Long
Location: Main Auditorium
For the past fifty years, Peachtree Road Baptist Church has reached countless children and adults through the bus ministry. This outreach ministry allows faithful members to serve others by reaching out to those who do not have the means to get to church. If you would like to get involved see Pastor Reed.
For free transportation, please contact the church office at 770-945-7914.
Discipleship - Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
Every Wednesday evening, dozens of Christians are becoming grounded in their faith and learning answers to their spiritual questions. Whether you have been saved for years or are a new christian, this is a great oportunity to grow and understand what God has for you in a personal setting. When you enroll in discipleship, you will be placed with an experienced Christian who will help guide you as you learn from God's Word.
For details about how to enroll, see our church secretary, Mrs. Donna Drath.
Global Baptist Church Planters
In addition to supporting many missionaries around the world, Peachtree Road Baptist Church is the home of Global Baptist Church Planters. GBCP's mission is to partner with established American missionaries to start Baptist churches around the world. We have now partnered with 8 successful missionaries to start over 750 churches worldwide.
Supporters of Global Baptist Church Planters are paired with a college graduate national church planter. For as little as $100 dollars a month, he can be fully supported as he does the hard work of starting a local church. After three years of support, our goal is to have an indigenous and autonomous local church.
For more information on how you can personally support a church planter, please click here.